Great Start Collaborative

Great Start Collaborative Cass County (GSC Cass)


Who are we?

The Great Start Collaborative Cass County (GSC Cass) is a diverse group of people in the community who are dedicated to improving the lives of families with young children 0-8. We are parents, educators, service agencies, business owners, and community leaders.


What do we do?

We work together to help all Cass County families know about available resources and where to get them for their children from birth to age eight. Our goal is to help every child live a life that is safe, healthy and full. All children have the right to a solid foundation to reach their potential.


Michigan has four goals for early childhood:

  1. Children are born healthy
  2. Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade
  3. Children are developmentally ready to succeed in school at time of school entry
  4. Children are prepared to succeed in fourth grade and beyond by reading proficiently by the end of third grade

In pursuit of these outcomes, the Great Start Collaborative partners with community organizations and families to help guide the work.


Why does it matter?

When we have healthy, connected families, we raise strong children and our community thrives.


To learn more, please contact:

Anna Carter


Great Start Cass Collaborative

[email protected]


Great Start Cass

What is this?

A movement that focuses on the early years to change lives in our county