Technology for Early Childhood and Special Needs

Technology for Early Childhood and Special Needs

Melissa Phillips - Speech Pathologist

61662 Dailey Road, Cassopolis, MI 49031
office: (269) 445-6233 fax: (269) 445-6253
e-mail: [email protected]

I am available at the following times:

  • Thursday P.M. - 12:30 to 3:45 (call for an appointment)
  • Friday - 10:30 to 4:00 (consultations, meetings, training, visitations)

I can help you by/with:

  1. Consultation services to staff, parents, and students.
  2. Training in use of assistive technology and augmentative communication devices.
  3. Resources (funding, equipment, evaluations, referrals to outside agencies).
  4. Internet research related to education and communication issues.
  5. Obtaining needed evaluations.
  6. Utilizing a technology lab for hands-on training, ideas for software, and adaptations to learning.
  7. Coordination of assistive technology related services (liaison for intra-agency/inter-agency involvement).
  8. Implementation of augmentative/alternative communication.
  9. Offering in-services to meet your needs.

 80 functional ways to use technology...

 What is Augmentative/Alternative Communication?

 Assistive Technology On-Line Home Page...

 Assistive Technology Information Web Sites...